Sunday, August 3, 2014

Perfect skin tone/sunbathing/skin cancer/truth and myth !

It's summer and most of us are trying to get perfect skin tone by sunbathing. I wondered for a moment what title I can give to this blog post but there's no perfect that suits. Every summer you see lot of campaigns about how is dangerous sunbathing. They always present some of those expensive creams and oils. In almost every corner they are serving us a stories about skin cancer...Common! 
It's time to make a difference between few lines there.

First thing, I would say the most important thing for us and our bones is SUN!!! You can't activate the vitamin D without sun. 
Let me explain how it works (I'll try to make it simple); You all know that banana is full of vitamin D among the other healthy ingredients and banana is not good just for children. It's actually even more necessary for us how we get older and older. When you eat banana or drink supplements of vitamin D; it goes to your stomach and intestines. There is vitamin D absorbed but in his inactivate state. Through blood it goes to liver and kidneys but it's still inactive. And here we come to the most important thing SUN! Vitamin D can only be activated through skin with SUN (read it again)!!! That means that you have to be on the sun exposed skin to actually activate this vitamin. The pharmacies can't sell the sunlight so promotion of vitamin D doesn't make sense to them. That is also a reason why people know so little about vitamin D. vitamin 
And why is this important?
It's important because without D your organism can't absorb calcium from the digestive tract. Calcium is important for your bones, muscles, teeth, immune system, allergies and lot of other things.
Do you have any idea how important SUN is for us now?
All those beauty agencies never mentioned how important sun is because it would reduce their product sale. Of course this doesn't mean that you should lie in the sun 24/7. It still means that you should avoid the strongest UVA/UVB rays (If you don't know when its that; Its usually noon; between 12h to 15h) because it will literally burn your skin. We need SUN and that is not discussable! For perfect skin tone you don't need to burn out your skin. You can always do that in normal range.
Don't do it too fast. The ideal is 15-20min two times per day. Exposing to the sun is the most powerful therapy that even modern medicine can't reach.

Skin cancer; Truth and Myths!
I wanted to write few things about this because it's linked to sun exposure. Lot of promoting material says that you will get it if you are too exposed to the sun.  The Big Lie!!! Also every nevus (birthmark) is not a cancer!!!
Note to yourself; The first and the most important thing in our life are genes! In them we have written our whole life (LITERALLY); There's everything about us from the basic things like color of our eyes or liking one food over the other to the bigger things like diseases. We all have those; how I can call it; those gene mistakes which are mostly repaired and they're not active. But sometimes they can activate and there comes the cancer (its the same for all benign or malignant). I don't want that this become your obsession. This is complexity of our organism. I just wanted to show you that we can't blame SUN for everything! Of course as I said it doesn't mean we can burn our skin and not to take care of it. 
There are lot of stories about melanoma. It's the most popular skin cancer even there are lot of different kinds. The only difference is in cells. I don't want to bother you about it. I want you to know few things about the nevus (lat. naevus pigmentosus); 

There are lot of kinds of birthmarks/nevus and different types of coloration. 

Every nevus is NOT a cancer!!!

Note that!
You can find a lot of different articles about it but I write from what I know; what I have learnt in med school. The first thing from pathology class was that sentence which made me lot of thinking. We all have more and more of them every day. That is normal thing because the skin is getting older as we are. That is nothing that we need to be worry about. Probably most of you have read about self-checking?! 
In one nevus you can check the color (is it changing); the size (is it getting bigger by the time); weather has it clear limits; does it have red edges and does it spread over the time; is that area itchy; does it bleeds; and did you ever hurt it? Those are things that also doctors look when you come to them. If you notice any of those changes you should go to check it. If its suspicious doctor will suggest you to remove it. 
Who ever said it to you that hurts IT DOESN'T!!! It's a lie because its done in local anesthesia and you won't feel a thing.  

I hope you will find the answer to your questions here. 
I tried to explain few things which are related to your beauty and health. My intention wasn't to scare  you off. It was to open your eyes and help you breath freely. 

I hope you've enjoyed reading this post!

for more questions write or just leave a comment  


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