Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Chocolate Mousse Cake

   For base you'll need :
200g ground biscuits
100g walnuts ( or other nuts...your wish)
120g butter
    For ganache :
150g chocolate
75ml cream
  For mousse cream :
  200g chocolate
60g butter
2 yolks
170ml strong coffee
250ml cream
5 sheets of gelatine or 1 bag of pulver gelatine
50ml cream
1. Mix the grounded biscuits and walnuts, then add butter and mix it with your hands until you get the equal mass. Then put it in a cake pan. Start by puttig mass into the sides and then fill the bottom.
2. When you put the mass in a pan leave it into the fridge to cool a bit until you prepare ganache. Melt the chocolate (in lower warmth) and add the cream. When it's melted put it on your base of the cake. Leave it for 10 min and then put it back to the fridge.
3. For the mousse first thing you have to make is a strong coffee. Leave it to cool!
4. Prepare the gelatine according to instructions.
5. Melt the chocolate and butter. When it's melted add 2 yolks and mix it cooking wire for 1-2 min. Add gelatine, coffee and 50ml of cream. Leave it into fridge to cool until you prepare the cream.
6. Rest of the cream prepare it by mixing until it becomes solid. After that add the chocolate piece by piece (the chocolate and gelatine which you have putted into fridge) and mix it with spatula or wooden spoon. Be careful!!! Don't mix it too hard you want to keep mousse translucent.
7. Put the mousse into the cake pan over the ganache. Leave the cake to cool down at least for 2hrs. After that you can move the cake from the edges with a knife. If you have left biger sides also you can put it down slowly. Cake is better to eat the next day but its your choice.
Play with the decorations :)
Have fun!
Ammi xoxo

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